Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, it's Monday....and I have a headache. For whatever reason I seem to always be getting headaches on Mondays.... I'm not sure why, but it's annoying because this is my husbands day off!! I've started drinking a cup of caffeinated tea to see if it helps keep it away. We'll see!!!


So, how did I do on my goals last week?? Not very well, I'm sad to say :(

1. I only managed to exercise once!! However, I am trying to organize and plan our days better (more about this in another post!!) and hopefully that will be getting some exercise in!!

2. I studied my bible 4 times this week, not bad!! Just one day away from my goal!!

3. I decided to hold off on working on the public prayer, I am starting to study prayer this week.

4. The only thing I did on my apron was cut it out!! LOL!! I'm not sure how to do darts!! I haven't sewed since I was like 13.... so almost 10 years ago!!! Photobucket (no, mine will not be nearly this cute!!)

This week will be a little bit different because we are going to a gospel meeting monday and tuesday night and Ryan will be at the prison all day tuesday to teach. But, this gives me time to start planning next week and the things I want to change.

Happy Monday everyone!!!!!Photobucket