Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm Not Sure I Can Handle This...

A wonderful sweet lady from church passed away last night. Very unexpectantly, she was in the hospital for pneumonia and was expected to come home in a couple of days. She was just a marvelous person.

This is the first person to have died that I have really known and cared about since my sister died 3 years ago. These feelings coming up are ones I have pushed very hard to get to hide and I don't want them coming back. I got a call in the middle of the night from my dad when my sister passed away. This wasn't quite a 'middle of the night call' but a 6:30am when I have only been in bed since 5:00am call. Feels the same.

Just total unbelief. I'm really scared I'm not going to be able to handle this... and Ryan is not home today and will be at the prison all day today. I need someone.


Anonymous said...

I pray that you and the family of this loved one receive comfort on this day.