Thursday, April 3, 2008

This 'n' That

I've order this book from amazonPhotobucket "Sew What! Skirts and I'm so excited for it to get here!! I want to sew a skirt!! It can be so hard to find one that fits perfectly! all the reviews I've read for it are great!
(click above to go to the book)

I've started using natural cleaners....because chemical ones give me a headache, I worry about always scrubbing my hands to get off residues and they cost so much! I've been using vinegar and water in a spray bottle to clean bathrooms and the kitchen and windows and it works great! I read in someone's blog the other day (sorry, I don't remember who!!) that they added lemon juice to their mixture so I added some. It works even better and masks the vinegar smell some (yes, I know you can add essential oils...but I can't find any/afford any!). I think that it helps cut through grease even more. And like the blogger said, I like the feeling that I can clean my counters and then set food on them without worrying about picking up chemicals from my cleaner!!


Tori Leslie said...

I'm pretty excited about this book too. I'm going to check it out!
Thanks! °Ü°