Tuesday, April 1, 2008

China Patterns

I have a few pieces of china that was handed down my from grandmother to my Mom to me.... there was more...but it the box got dropped off of the uhaul the first time we moved and Ilost several pieces and chipped even more :(

I want everyone's opionion on whether I can mix and match these pieces: what do you think?

These are the pieces I have:Photobucket

Upclose of the pattern:PhotobucketPhotobucket

My other china:Photobucket These aren't quite the same white.....but the camera doesn't pick it up :(

More pics: how it would look together:PhotobucketPhotobucket

I think they go together. However, what would you think if you came to dinner and saw them mixed and matched??

My dishcloth for today: Tuesday and IroningPhotobucket Did I iron today? NO! I hate ironing worse than ANYTHING. And except for pants that need creases I do not see a difference between a dress shirt that is tossed in the dryer to get wrinkles out and that is ironing ;) Shame on me, I know!!

By the way, the pattern is called 'silver mist' by taylor smith taylor. I have looked and looked for a date for these. I can't find anything. If anyone happens to know let me know!! :)


Tierney said...

Yes, I think you can mix and match these patterns for sure. The same thing happened to me and I mix and match them all the time!

Anonymous said...

You can totally mix and max your china. Enjoy!