Sunday, March 30, 2008


In order to post a blog a day I will be focusing on..... dishtowels :) Yes, dishtowels!! When we got married the oldest lady at church made us embroidered dishtowels... featuring a day a week. They are sooo cute and so retro!! And Ryan and I both love Mrs. Clara!! (the lady who made us the towels).


Today's towel is Sunday. A woman resting. Not that I'm saying today is a 'day of rest' as used in the old testament (which would of been sabbath a Saturday, not a Sunday!!!) However, today is when most people take a break from work to worship God....and take a nice looooong nap in the afternoon!! I pretend the lady on the towel is reading her bible :) So today I'm going to worship God, take a nap, and read my bible. Hope everyone has a GREAT Sunday!!

Another picture: table set for a couple we had over Sunday for lunch.

Friday morning I made something I had never made before, strawberry jam!! Strawberries are really cheap here, like 1.78 a pound. I think it's because they are Louisiana strawberries.... I don't know. Well, I had bought a bunch of them planning on cutting them up mixing with sugar and freezing them. But, then I remembered that my Mom used to make strawberry freezer jam and it didn't require any fancy (expensive!)tools so I called her and asked how to make it (it's on the box of pectin!!) It made about 4 quarts. I made some to give away and some to stick in the freezer. It tastes FABULOUS!!! Especially on 'best bread in the world' which I will be making tomorrow.....mmmmm hot fresh homemade bread with cool fresh strawberry jam!!


The Apron Queen said...

I have some vintage embroidered towels with days of the week. I almost hate to use them! Looking forward to more.

Confessions of an Apron Queen: Http://

CandiceM said...

LOL! I'm not using them!! I have a towel holder on the wall to display towels... nope I'm likely to hit anyone who tries to use these :) That's what the towel on the oven is for!! he-he!!

Anonymous said...

That's so great! Looks like a FABULOUS Sunday you had. :)

Anonymous said...

The towels are Martha Stewart from Kmart but your friend at the church added the little lady.

I have the same towels with the days of the week - love them!