I'm trying to get the ladies to start a visiting group for the nursing homes in the area. I'm sure many people (like myself!!) feel lost and not sure what to do or where to start with nursing homes. We've all probably had a loved one in a nursing home and that was a very sad arrangement and because of that we are reluctant to go. Or, for me I'm scared of getting old, alone, and lost so to visit makes me think of things I don't want to think of. However, we are commanded by God to do this, James 1:27 says Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. We could be the bright spot in someone's day.
I was trying to find ideas of what we could do or bring and when I called to speak to the activities director they told me many, many things that they need, or the residents like to receive. That was SO helpful for me. I now have soooo many ideas to bring back and to talk to the women about doing! Things such as making mobiles to hang over residents beds, spring arrangements for the dining hall, fruits, kleenexes, lotions, stuffed animals. WOW!! The things we can do!!
So, I encourage you to get out there and see what YOU can do. I feel like God cleared the way for me to do this and become less uncomfortable about it!
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