Monday, March 24, 2008

All Things Spring!!!

I'm finally feeling better....and it's the start to a new week!! Today is BEAUTIFUL weather and of course my hubby's day off so he is outside mowing the lawn. I caught up on all the housework (somewhat!!) and was going to go out front and clean out some flower beds/landscaping but was to tired after washing dishes (remember I was sick for a week!!). So, I decided to do some lazy gardening.

What is lazy gardening you ask?? It's what I do every year. Hubby plants a real garden and I buy 2 big planters and lazily plant what I want to plant!! :) No tilling,weeding, walking too far to water... all I do is dump 2 big bags of dirt and then plant my plants and wa la!! All I do to water them is fill my watering pot and water them when I take the dogs out back to go potty! This year I planted, yellow bell peppers, red bell peppers, jalapeƱo peppers and hot banana peppers!! I love peppers but they cost SOOO much at the grocery store!!

This week I am not giving myself a schedule... I'm just going to get as much done as I feel like I can do. Still having problems breathing and have to stop and blow my nose every two steps!! LOL!!! I will give you a hint as to what's coming next week on our new schedule..... "No TV Thursdays!!" ooooohhhh, intriguing!!

Roxie outside playing (she's hard to get a good picture off!!)

Samantha outside playing!

Some of my plants:

more of my plants:

My hot hubby mowing the lawn, (shhh, no he doesn't know this in in here!!)

Enjoy the pictures, I have to run to the grocery store and get a few things for dinner tonight; pumpkin muffins and tuscan style scrambled eggs!!