Friday, February 20, 2009

Point of View

If you want a lesson in seeing other peoples point of view... go fabric shopping!!

Due to finances, this year I have been making aprons for wedding presents for the bride. We have two from our church getting married the SAME day... different locations and times but the same day. I went to Joann's today to look for fabric for the girl getting married. Her name is Amanda. I do not know Amanda I have only met her 2 or 3 times, her 'husband to be' attends church with us. I asked her Mom and Aunt what style she likes- what type of fabric she would want, both said that she is old fashioned and likes pastels, and flowers.

This is the exact style I HATE! LOL!! I like bright modern stuff. I like old fashioned if it has a modern twist to it. So, I didn't think to bring another person with me to have another opinion and had the worst time at the store. Every piece of fabric I came to made my toes curl because I couldn't stand it! Then every piece I *sorta* liked I second guessed myself over and over! LOL!! I could NOT decide what to do and was really stressing out!

Finally I realized that I would have to STOP looking at it from my point of view because I simply couldn't stand that style and would have to look at it from anothers point of view! And once I did this- I found options that would work!! And some I even liked from my point of view.

It was a lesson that I really needed to learn- I get to the point where my opinion is right/more important and dismiss everyone else. What is it that they say? Walk a mile in another person's shoes? And by trying to understand others you can come to a compromise that you BOTH like! :)

(Note- I am speaking of matters of OPINION only- I do not believe in compromising on God's word when God does not compromise on his laws.)

This is what I am more drawn towards:Photobucket and Photobucket

This is what I ended up buying for Amanda:Photobucket Only it is on a light yellow background with pink and orange roses and I will be doing a light pink ruffle and pocket.


Rachel said...

Ooh I'm excited to read about thrifty ideas! We're broke too!! And I love the apron idea, though I don't really sew, but I'd love an apron!!

And you're smart for stepping out of your shoes to see what she would want! It's hard to do!